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There's no place like home...


Parent Opportunities

At Kelbourne Park School and Nursery we strongly believe that learning is a partnership between school and home. The school provides a variety of social and learning opportunities for parents throughout the year. To see what's coming up soon check out our Twitter Feed or if you're already a parent of our school you can also check the Whole School Seesaw page. 


We also have a Parent Council that supports the school in various ways including fundraising events.

Parent Services

While the school is here to help you in any way we can there is a limit to what we can do. However, please check out some services that may be able to help you if we can't.​


  • How do I enrol my child in Kelbourne Park?
    As Kelbourne Park is an additional support needs establishment there is a screening process which takes place before a child is offered a place here. This process helps us to ensure that a placement at Kelbourne Park is appropriate to your child’s needs. If your child has already been identified as having additional support needs by their Educational Psychologist, Child Development Centre or Pre School assessment team these professionals can work with you to submit the appropriate information to the Area Inclusion Group for screening. If your child has not yet been identified as having additional support needs you should initially enrol them in your local nursery. If you have any concerns or queries please feel free to contact us Tel: 0141 946 1405
  • How do I become involved with the Parent Council?
    To find out more information regarding Kelbourne Park's Parent Council please contact the school at
  • Where can I purchase school uniform with the school logo?
    The school uniform is a yellow polo shirt or t-shirt with a red sweatshirt or jumper/cardigan. Children generally wear grey or black trouser/skirts. For some children jogging trousers without buttons/zips are more easily managed independently. Parents wishing to purchase uniform with our school logo should visit or contact Baru 216 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G4 9EJ Tel:0141 332 1266
  • Would my child be entitled to transport to school?
    If your child is offered a place at Kelbourne Park Nursery or School you child will be entitled to transport to and from school. Usually this is on a school bus, however it may be in a taxi. In an ideal situation we would introduce your child to their bus escort and driver when they visit, however unfortunately this is not always possible. Currently all of the escorts are staff who work as support assistants in the school throughout the day. The bus timings and route is organised by the ‘Neighbourhood and Sustainability and the garage however if you have concerns please feel free to contact the school.
  • I have received an invitation to a post placement review, does this mean you are taking away my child’s place?"
    It is a statutory obligation that we review your child’s placement annually. This is carried out at a review meeting. During the meeting the class teacher or CDO will talk about the progress your child is making. We will discuss the priority areas for your child and their targets. You will be asked if you are happy with your child’s placement. If either yourselves or the school feel that an alternative placement would be a more appropriate for your child this would be discussed and a plan drawn up for ensuring that your child’s needs are appropriately met. A review meeting will also be the time that we will ask you to consider the next stage for your child and their placement e.g. nursery to primary, primary to secondary. You would be fully involved in this discussion and planning.
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